Specifying a Look 65
FXDeko User’s Guide
To next detail
Determines what this frame will send to the detail immediately
below it in the Details list:
• previous
sends whatever was sent to the frame from the detail above it.
• this
sends the frame only.
• merged
sends the combination of the frame and whatever was sent to
the frame from the detail above it.
CUTTING AND PASTING DETAILS AND LOOKSTo cut or copy a detail:1. Activate the Style window.
2. Choose Look at the top of the Style window.
3. In the Details list, click on the detail you wish to cut or copy.
4. Do one of the following:
• To remove the selected detail from its current position, choose
Cut Detail (Ctrl+X) from the Edit menu, or click the cut button
in the Tools window.
• To copy and leave the selected detail intact, choose Copy
Detail (Ctrl+C) from the Edit menu, or click the copy button in
the Tools window.
To paste a detail into a Details list:1. If necessary, open the Style file into which you will paste the detail.
2. Click on the detail in the Details list where you will insert the cut or
copied detail.
3. From the Edit menu, choose Paste Detail (Ctrl+V), or click the paste
button in the Tools window.