•You can press Left soft key (Options) to select “Call via GSM” to route the outgoing call to GSM network.
Digit number | Select “Options” | Outgoing call |
3.1.1 Making A Call Using the Contacts
To search for a name/phone number that you have saved in Contacts, press
Right soft key (Names) to quick access the phonebook and select the
one you want to call, and press Green key to call the number using the
active network, or select Left soft key (Options) to select the network to
use if both GSM and WLAN are available. See Contact chapter for more information.
3.1.2 Last Number Redialing
In idle mode, press Green key once to access the list of numbers you last called or attempted to call. Scroll to the number or name you want, and press
Green key to call the number.
3.1.3 Calling Your Voice Mailbox
In idle mode, long press keypad to call the voice mailbox. If the phone asks to set voice mail, please key in the voice mail box number provided by
service provider and press OK key .