© 2006 Copyright Pirelli Broadband Solutions S.p.A. All rights reserved. This document contains Pirelli proprietary and confidential information. No part of this document may be copied, reprinted or reproduced in any material form or electronically, whether wholly or in part, and no information contained herein may be used or disclosed to third parties unless under a previous writ- ten agreement with Pirelli Broadband Solutions setting forth relevant terms and conditions
Pirelli operates a policy of ongoing development and reserves the right to make change to any of the products described in this document without prior notice.
Users must take full responsibility for their applications of any products speci- fied in this document. The information in this document is proprietary to Pirelli. Pirelli does not assume any liability that may occur due to the use or applica- tion of the product(s) described herein.s.
All of the terms used in the present document that are recognised as brands of products or services are identified accordingly. Pirelli cannot certify to the exactness of these identifications. The names of other products or companies used in the present document, which may indicate brands of products or serv- ices, or brands that distinguish them from other companies, are used without any intention for counterfeiting. The use of a term in the present document is not intended to discredit the validity of brands, products or services.
This publication may be modified without prior notice. Pirelli reserves the right to make changes to the description of the system or its components due to technological developments, changes in the manufacturing methods or other circumstances.
The present document is for informational purposes only. For the permitted uses see the provisions specified above. This document does not constitute a contract with the user nor is it a guarantee for Pirelli products described herein. This document is not be intended as a license concession nor does it give related rights to intellectual property associated with the information or materials included, or to those referred to in the present document. Pirelli does not provide guarantees, explicit or implied, for the information contained in the present document.