5.6.1Static Routing

After you disable NAT mode, you can enable Static Routing to turn off NAT function of this router and let

this router forward packet by your routing policy.



Enable Static Routing

Check this box to enable Static Routing function, unselect this box if you

don’t want to turn off NAT function of this router.




Destination LAN IP

Type the Destination LAN IP address you use to access the Internet. Your

ISP or network administrator provides you with this information.




Subnet Mask

Type the subnet mask for your network. If you do not type a value here, your

ISP or network administrator provides you with this information.




Default Gateway

Type the gateway address of your network. Your ISP or network

administrator provides you with this information.




Hop Count

Input which hop count you want to apply to this configuration.




Select the interface which you would like to use LAN / WAN.




Click to add a configuration to the Current Static Routing Table at the bottom

of this page.





Click “Reset” will clear your current settings to allow you to enter again.



Current Static Routing Table




If you want to remove some Destination LAN IP address from the “Current

Delete Selected

Static Routing Table”, select the Destination LAN IP addresses you want to


remove in the table and then click “Delete Selected”.



Delete All

If you want remove all Destination LAN IP addresses from the table, just click


this button.




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