Client PC Description

Please input any text to describe this IP address, up to 16 alphanumerical






Please input the starting IP address in the left field, and input the end IP


address in the right field to define a range of IP addresses, or just input the

Client PC IP Addresses

IP address in the left field to define a single IP address.


Note: You need to give your LAN PC clients a fixed/static IP address for the


Access Control rule to work properly.



Client PC Service

You can block the clients from accessing some Internet services by checking

the services you want to block.





This allows you to select UDP, TCP or Both protocol types.



Port Range

You can assign up to five port ranges. The router will block clients from

accessing Internet services that use these ports.





Click “Add” to save the settings.




Click “Reset” to clear all fields.



After configuration complete, please click “Apply” button to save the configuration. Then you will see a screen to prompt you the settings are saving successfully. You may press “Continue” for configure other settings or “Apply” to restart WNRT-620 with new configuration. Please refer to section 4.2.7 for more information about this screen.

5.7.2URL Blocking

You can block users to access to some web sites by entering a full URL address or just keyword of the web site.


Enable URL Blocking

Enable/disable URL Blocking.

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