Powerware 9120 ￿ One of the Best!

Providing outstanding performance and reliability, the Powerware 9120's unique benefits include the following:

￿The Powerware 9120 incorporates the latest in high-frequency, double-conversion online topology, which provides uninterrupted, clean, sine-wave power.

￿An intuitive LCD screen provides real-time updates of UPS status, power usage, remaining battery run time, and other critical UPS parameters.

￿Flexible communication options with USB, serial, and network capabilities.

￿Advanced power management with the Software Suite CD for graceful shutdowns and power monitoring.

￿Sequential shutdown and load management through separate receptacle groups, called load segments.

￿Network Transient Protector guards your network communications equipment from surges. Low voltage models can also guard modems, fax machines, or other telecommunications equipment.

￿Hot￿swappable batteries simplify maintenance by allowing you to replace batteries safely without powering down the critical load.

￿Start￿on￿battery capability allows you to power up the UPS even if utility power is not available.

￿Emergency shutdown control through the Remote Emergency Power-Off (REPO) port.

￿The Powerware 9120 is backed by worldwide agency approvals and a limited two-year warranty.


Powerware® 9120 User's Guide ￿ 05147426 A Uncontrolled Copy