Knoll 6.0 II user manual USE- Clip Limiters, Clip Limiting Tips

Models: HSMIDA4

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USE- Clip Limiters

Clip Limiters

The PL6.0 II has separate clip limiters for each channel which respond only to actual amplifier clipping. Amplifier clipping generates internal error signals which cause the Clip Limiter to quickly reduce gain and minimize the overdrive. To preserve as much of the program dynamics as possible, limiting occurs only during actual clipping.

The limiter’s on-off switches are front panel mounted and recessed to prevent accidental changes. Each channel has its own Clip Limiter switch that can be operated independently.

When the push-button-switch is in the “down” or “in” position, the clip limiter is on.

When the push-button-switch is in the “up” or “out” position, the clip limiter is off.

Clip Limiting Tips

Clip limiting reduces extreme overdrive peaks, allowing a higher average signal level without audible distortion. Increasing the gain with the Clip Limiter engaged, until clipping is again audible, can double the average output power. Be careful not to exceed the power rating of your speakers.

The Clip Limiter is set to respond as quickly as possible after clipping is detected. On low frequency material, this may be perceived as a “rubbery” effect. It may be preferable to turn Clip Limiting off, and let the amp clip occasionally, especially if the speakers are robust.


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QSC Audio 6.0 II user manual USE- Clip Limiters, Clip Limiting Tips