Your new RadioShack
We have included a frequency guide with your
Your scanner has these special features:
Two Supplied Antennas — let you select the antenna that best meets your needs. The supplied stub antenna helps your scanner receive strong local signals and makes the scanner easy to carry and use at events, while the supplied flexible antenna provides excellent reception and is designed to help prevent antenna breakage.
Twelve Service Banks — lets you search preset frequencies in sepa- rate auto racing, marine, VHF, aircraft, military, ham radio, govern- ment, UHF, TV, and 800 MHz banks, to make it easy to locate specific types of calls.
Weather Search — lets you easily search the scanner’s 7 prepro- grammed weather frequencies.
Ten Memory Banks — let you store 10 channels in each of 10 banks to group channels so you can more easily identify calls.
Priority Channels — lets you program one channel in each bank (10 in all) and then have the scanner check it every 2 seconds so you don't miss transmissions on that channel.
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