LCD: “Liquid Crystal Display” - A technology used to produce
Nautical mile: 6076 feet
Port: Left side of the boat, when facing the bow (nautical term).
PVDF: “Poly Vinylidene Fluoride” – A unique polymer plastic that has the ability to convert sound waves into electrical impulses. PVDF is used in the optional Sidelooker transducer for excellent detection of fish in the horizontal direction.
Range: The depth scale for the unit. The maximum distance the unit will be able to see at a particular range setting.
Sensitivity: The ability of a receiver to distinguish between echoes of different strengths. In general, use a higher sensitivity setting for deep water, and a lower setting for shallow water.
Starboard: Right side of the boat, when facing the bow (nautical term).
Statute mile: 5280 ft.
Stern: The rear of a boat (nautical term).
Thermocline: A level in the water where two areas of differing water temperature meet. Sometimes a thermocline can reflect sonar waves and present a false display.
Transducer: A device which sends and receives high frequency sound waves through the water.
Transom: The
White Line: A feature used to help display fish near the bottom. This feature helps to show the difference between weak returns (including fish near the bottom) and strong returns (including the bottom itself).
Zoom: A way of magnifying or enlarging part of the display to give a better view of a section of the water.
Glossary | 95 |