Trouble shooting
The phone cannot register to the server Check the IP address (press the OK key for status). Check the gateway.
Check the DNS server.
Make sure all account information is verified correct as received from the service provider.
Check whether the SIP server is on.
Check the SIP register port, the default value is 5060.
The phone can’t get an IP address
Make sure the Ethernet cable is plugged into the WAN port.
Make sure there is an available DHCP server on, and there are available IP addresses in the server.
Try to set the WAN port to static IP client mode.
During a call, users cannot hear any voice
Make sure the handset is tightly connected with the phone.
Check whether the conversation is muted or not.
Consult the outbound server details with the service provider.
The phone cannot send DTMF digits during calls
Check which kind of DTMF the phone is using, and whether it is compatible with the server.
Consult the payload value with the service provider.
Time and date are not correct
Select the right time zone or enter the time information manually on the phone.
How can a user answer an incoming call during a call?
If a call comes in when a user is on an active call, press the OK button to answer the incoming call.