Chapter 1
Getting to know your SpeedTouch™
File system access
In the different directories you have the following rights:
Common FTP
Depending on the access rights you have in a directory, you can use one of the
following commands:
Directory Access rights
root NO read/write
dl read/write
Use the
command ...
to ...
cd access another directory than the one currently open.
Example: ftp>cd dl.
dir list the directory files.
Example: ftp>dir.
bin set the transfer mode to ‘binary’.
hash turn on the hashing option.
put upload files.
Example: ftp>put C:/MyBackupFiles/user.ini.
A configuration file must be uploaded to the dl directory.
get download files.
Example: ftp>get user.ini.
Downloading the configuration file must be done from the dl
delete delete files.
bye quit FTP.