The table below lists DCS-200 remote commands.
Command | Description | Page |
| Ethernet Commands |
DHCP | Enable/Disable DHCP mode | 134 |
EMAC | Get MAC Address | 134 |
GATEWAY | Set gateway to be used when DHCP is OFF | 135 |
IP | Set Static IP Address to be used when DHCP is OFF | 135 |
SUBNET | Set subnet mask to be used when DHCP is OFF | 135 |
| Input Commands |
ACQ | Input Source Acquire. Does a "force" acquire of the input | 135 |
AUTOACQ | Auto Input Acquisition Mode | 135 |
BACKGND | Set background color | 136 |
BLKVID | Puts black into the scaler selected | 136 |
CBLEQ | Set cable equalization | 136 |
EDID | Set Input EDID Resolution | 136 |
EDIDTYPE | Set EDID type | 137 |
FREEZE | Freeze the input on program | 137 |
IADJ | Selects the input path to adjust (preview or program) | 137 |
IAR | Adjust Input Aspect Ratio | 137 |
IAUTOC | Attempts to detect and adjust input video to the active video area | 138 |
IAVAIL | Query only command for input availability | 138 |
IBRT | Input brightness adjust | 138 |
ICDEL | Delete Input Configuration | 139 |
ICNT | Input contrast adjust | 139 |
ICPHO | Input Phase Adjust | 139 |
ICREC | Recalls saved input configuration for selected input | 139 |
ICRST | Reset Input Configuration to default values | 140 |
ICSAV | Saves Input Configuration | 140 |
ICSP | Input Colorspace Adjust | 140 |
IHATV | Input Horizontal Active Adjust | 140 |
IHCROP | Input Horizontal Crop | 141 |
| 131 |