Command | Description | Page |
IHPAN | Input Horizontal Pan | 141 |
IHPOS | Input Horizontal Position Adjust | 141 |
IHTOTAL | Input Horizontal Total Adjust | 142 |
IHUE | Input Hue Adjust | 142 |
IMAP | Maps the input file configuration for the selected input | 142 |
IRBRT | Input RGB Brightness Adjust | 142 |
IRCNT | Input RGB Contrast Adjust | 143 |
IRES | Input Resolution Select | 143 |
ISAT | Input Saturation Adjust | 143 |
ISEL | Selects the selected input as the current input to display | 144 |
ISLICE | Input Sync Slice Threshold Adjust | 144 |
ISMP | Adjust Input Sample mode | 144 |
ISYNC | Input Sync Type Adjust | 145 |
ITYPE | Input Type Adjust | 145 |
IVATV | Input Vertical Active Adjust | 146 |
IVCROP | Input Vertical Crop | 146 |
IVPAN | Input Vertical Pan | 146 |
IVPOS | Input Vertical Position Adjust | 146 |
IVTOTAL | Input Vertical Total Adjust. | 147 |
PCOMP | Pulldown Compensation mode adjust | 147 |
TAKE | Take the input currently on preview onto program | 147 |
| Output Commands |
BLACK | Set the mixer output to black | 147 |
OAVAIL | Checks availability of the preview output. | 147 |
OCSAV | Save Output Configuration | 147 |
OGM | Set Output Gamma | 148 |
ORBM | Output Raster Box Mode | 148 |
ORES | Output Resolution | 148 |
OSRC | Select the input source for the preview output | 149 |
OSYNC | Output Sync Type Adjust | 149 |
OTPM | Output Test Pattern Mode | 149 |
OTPT | Output Test Pattern Type | 150 |
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