Normal and Fault Condition LED Messages

RC Mode

RS232 Mode No Watchdog

RS232 Mode with Watchdog

Analog Mode

FIGURE 59. Status LED Flashing pattern during normal operation

Output Off / Fault Condition

The controller LED will tun On solid to signal that the output stage is off as a result of a any of the recoverable conditions listed below.

Temporary Fault

Permanent Error

FIGURE 60. Status LED Flashing pattern during faults or other exceptions

Over temperature

Over Voltage

Under Voltage

“Dead man” switch activation (See “Using the Inputs to turn Off/On the Power MOSFET transistors” on page 50.

The controller will resume the normal flashing pattern when the fault condition disappears.

A rapid continuously flashing pattern indicates that the controller’s output is Off and will remain off until reset or power is cycled. Activating the emergency stop will cause the con- troller to stop in this manner. A permanent error will also be triggered if the encoder mod- ule is mounted and an encoder error is detected. Note that while the controller is Off, it will continue to respond to commands if in the RS232 mode, and can thus be reset by sending the %rrrrrr command.


AX1500 Motor Controller User’s Manual

Version 1.9b. June 1, 2007

Page 100
Image 100
RoboteQ AX2550, AX1500 user manual Output Off / Fault Condition, Normal and Fault Condition LED Messages