If you are using a drive that records to more than one type of disc, you will be given the option to switch to a different disc format after pressing the action button if you have selected a file that will not fit on a single disc.

To view a list of the files on a Back Up Files disc, open the html file placed on the disc.

Files in use by your computer’s operating system or by an open application cannot be archived or overwritten with the Back Up Files project. Any busy files encountered during a backup will be listed for you to review.

Do not open files or applications while a Back Up Files project is in progress. This can cause the project to stop before all of the files in the project are archived.

Creating a new Back Up Files project

To create a new Back Up Files project:

1Click the Backup Files tab in the project list. A list of projects is displayed.

2Click the Back Up Files project.

3Click Browse and use the Browse for Folder window to select the drive or folder containing the files you would like to archive.

Note: Files stored on different source drives cannot be archived in the same Back Up Files project.

4Select the types of files you wish to archive. Choose either All files in the selected path or Only files in the following categories.

If you selected Only files in the following categories, select the file categories you would like to archive. The choices are Email, Financial, Music, Photos, Productivity, and Video and Recorded TV. If you created a custom category, it will also be available. See “Creating a custom category” on page 15 for more information.

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