
4.2.2Editing Commands

=DM (Delete Mode)

Function: Enable execution of editing commands.

Syntax: stxDM;

Note: In order for editing commands to be executed, the DM command must be used to put the unit into Delete mode. For the communication protocol, refer to 4.1 2) Editing commands.

Caution:When Delete mode is exited, the AR-3000 will automatically output a CC command. The AR-3000 automatically escapes from the Delete mode two minutes after the DM command is issued. To run editing commands, send a DM command again to enter the Delete mode.

Card Editing

=CD (Card Delete) Function: Delete Card Syntax: stxDM;

stxCD: * ;


aCard in slot

0Card in slot A

1Card in slot B

Example) CD:0;

Erase all phrases from a PC card in slot A.

=CP (Card coPy)

Function: Copy Card

Syntax: stxDM;


Note: This copies the contents of the card in slot A to the card in slot B.

>CO ( Card cOnvert for AR-3000 ) Function: Convert Card Syntax: stxDM;

stxCO: * , * ;

a b

aConvert type

0AR-3000 to AR-2000

1AR-2000 to AR-3000

bSelect card

0Card in slot A to Card in slot A

1Card in slot A to Card in slot B

AR-3000 RS-232C Reference -11

Page 16
Image 16
Roland RS 232C Editing Commands, = DM Delete Mode, = CD Card Delete Function Delete Card Syntax stxDM, = CP Card coPy