4.2.5Reply Commands
Function: Response to normal reception of a command
Syntax: ACK (06H)
= ER (ERror)
Function: Reply to the
Syntax: stxER: * ;
aError number
0Send this command to the
1Send this command when the output of the
=Xon (11H)/Xoff (13H)
Function: Allow or disable transmission. Used for handshaking.
Syntax: Xon is 11H only (transmission permitted)
Xoff is 13H only (transmission disabled)
4.3Commands Sent from the
The following two types of commands are sent from the
1) Setting output commands
These commands output the current setting status of the
2) Reply commands
Reply commands are necessary for communication control, such as acknowledgment that a command was correctly received, etc.
4.4Details of Commands Sent from the
4.4.1Setting Output Commands
=CS (Card Set)
Function: Card setting output
Syntax: stxCS: * ,“********”, * , * , *** , ***** , * ;
a | b | c d e | f | g |
aCard in slot
0Card in slot A
1Card in slot B
bCard name (8 characters)
eMaximum number of phrase
1 (1000)