4.2.3Setting Commands
Card Settings
=CV (Card Volume label) Function: Card name setting Syntax: stxCV: * ,“********”, ***** ;
a b c
aCard in slot
0Card in slot A
1Card in slot B
bCard name (up to 8 characters)
cReserved (Only '0')
Example) stxCV:0,“ABCDEFGH”, 0;
This specifies a name of “ABCDEFGH” for the card in slot A.
Pattern Phrase Settings
<PU (Pattern phrase set Up for
Syntax: stxPU: **** , * , **** , **S* , .... , **** , **S* ;
a b c d .... c d
aPattern Phrase number
bPattern Phrase Playback mode
cPhrase number to be played back
dDelay Time (0S0 - 59S9)
Example) PU:A1,0,A5,5S0,A10,15S1,B151,10S0;
For phrase number “A0001”, this registers a “Sequential playback” pattern phrase consisting of the following; phrase number “A0005”, a delay of “5 seconds”, phrase number “A0010”, a delay of “15.1 seconds”, phrase number “B0151”, and a delay of “10 seconds”.
Note: A maximum of 100 phrases can be specified in one line.
For the pattern phrase number, specify a phrase number where nothing is recorded. For the playback phrase number, Audio phrases, MIDI phrases, and pattern phrases can be specified.