Wired Internet Camera
| in “From” field. You can set the duration of video recording in |
| “Period” field (format is HH:MM:SS), and the end time will be |
| calculated automatically and displayed in “To” field. You can |
| also click “All Time Record” button to define a recording |
| schedule that will be executed every weekday, from |
| 12:00:00AM to 11:59:59PM. |
| Click “OK” to save changes. |
Edit | You can modify a scheduled recording item. Select a |
| schedule in “One Time Schedules” list, and click “Edit” |
| button to edit the start and end time of this schedule. |
Delete | Delete a selected schedule item. |
OK | Save settings in this tab. |
Cancel | Discard all settings in this tab. | “Motion Recording” tab
With this function activated, only motions captured by the camera will be recorded, so you don’t have to waste hard disk storage space on images you don’t need to pay attention to.