Samsung C01 user manual Dialed , Missed , Tx/Rx Calls, Delete All

Models: C01

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call list ?


SiPTel C01 IP Phone User Manual


You can see the information such as the Caller Name if exists a phone book entry for that


number, Date [Date/Month(day)], Time, etc.,


Press ‘Cancel’ button to move to the previous screen.

No Entry




Time : 08:04A


STEP 7 Last information is Call duration in minutes [HH:MM].

Press ‘Cancel’ button to move to the previous screen.

No Entry 03034

Duration : [08:37]

STEP 8 You can press DELETE button anytime in the above views, and select Delete from ‘VIEW

/DELETE’ options displayed on top of the LCD screen, to delete that entry from the list. The deleted call list can’t be recovered. Please make sure whether it is ok to delete the call list before you delete call list. Please be sure

doing so.

Press ‘Cancel’ button to move to the previous screen.

4.1.2.Dialed , Missed , Tx/Rx Calls

The options for Dialed Calls, Missed Calls and Tx/Rx ( both dialed and received calls ) which follows ‘1. RCVD Calls’ option will all be same as RCVD Calls options.

4.1.3.Delete All


Select ‘1. Call log’ -> ‘5. Delete All’ after pressing MENU button

Press ‘OK’ button or select menu number key.

<Call Log>

4:Tx/Rx Calls

5:Delete All

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Samsung C01 user manual Dialed , Missed , Tx/Rx Calls, Delete All