Samsung C01 user manual LCD Display

Models: C01

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SiPTel C01 IP Phone User Manual




ƒ P-Book

ŸUsed to move the cursor to the left in Phone Book mode.


ŸUsed to initiate the Phone Book menu.






ŸUsed to complete the input in Phone Book menu.


ŸUsed to confirm the entered or selected settings.






ŸUsed to cancel the selected menu, entered data, or etc.





ŸUsed to place the PSTN call.





ŸUsed to make the voice not to be heard from the counterpart.





ŸUsed to connect to dial-up ISP. (Option).




VOL + / -

ŸUsed to adjust the volume of the handset





ŸUsed to place another call by droping the current call while dialing or in


the middle of a connected call. (Available only in PSTN mode).






ŸUsed to redial the number last dialed





ŸUsed to carry on the call without picking up the handset. Press again to


turn off the speaker phone





1.4.2.LCD Display

SIPTEL 10100-1000


The LCD screen shows the current status of the SiPTel IP Phone, menu options on the LCD screen, Telephone number dialed or received etc. (4x15)

First Line

Status display – displays the present state of the IP Phone.



Second Line

Name display – displays the name entered by the user.



Third Line

Telephone number display – displays number entered using keypad.



Fourth Line

Current time display



The following are icons used to display the present state of the IP Phone






Displays the DNS status.


DNS Status

Flashing : Finding the DNS server



Constant : Could reach the IP Address of the DNS



Displays the G/K registration status.

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Samsung C01 user manual LCD Display