to Connect to Anynet
Anynet function, the DVD Home Theater System can be conveniently controlled from your Samsung TV. By connecting the Anynet output terminal on the DVD Home Theater System to the input terminal of any Samsung
'i hat is Anynet?
If AM reception is poor, connect an outdoor AM antenna(not supplied).
•The Anynet function allows you to use your TV'sremote control and menu to control all AV devices.
•However, this function is available only with Samsung
Other AV devices
SamsurlgDVD player]
Use thisto
AV deviceswhen necessary.
FM (7_n)
Snap the tabs on the loop into the slots of the base to assemble the
AM loop antenna.
1Connect the Anynet input terminal on the back of this unit to your Samsung TV'sAnynet output terminal.
2 Connect the Anynet Out Terminal on the back of this unit to the Anynet input of Samsung external AV devices.
1, Connect the FM antenna supplied to the FM 75_ COAXIAL terminal as a temporary measure.
2.Slowly move the antenna wire around until you find a location where reception is good, then fasten it to a wall or other rigid surface.
Beforeattachinga 75_ coaxialcable (witha standard
I• If receptionis poor,disconnectan outdoorantenna.
type connector), the suppliedFM antenna.
1.Connect the AM loop antenna supplied to the AM and _ terminals.
2.If reception is poor, connect an outdoor single
3Refer to the user'smanual of your
*This function is available only with
•If the Anynet input and output terminals are reversed, communication with the TV will fail and you will not be able to use the Anynet function.
Cooling Fan Thecoolingfan dissipatesthe heatgeneratedinsidethe unit so thatthe unit can beoperated normally.Thecoolingfan is activatedautomaticallyto supplycoolairto the unit.
Please observe the following cautions for your safety.
•Make sure the unit is
•Do not obstructthe coolingfan or ventilation hoies.(If the cooling fan or ventilation holes are coveredwith a newspaperor cloth, heat may build up insidethe unitand fire may result.)