Samsung GE731KR/BWT manual Nonushta

Models: GE731KR/BWT

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Rus taomlarini avtomatik tayyorlash funksiyasidan foydalanilganda tayyorlash vaqti avtomatik o’rnatiladi.

Kerakli miqdordagi porsiyalarni tanlash uchun rus taomlarini avtomatik tayyorlash tugmachasini kerakli marta bosish kerak.

Avval taomni aylanuvchi patnisga joylashtiring va eshikchani yoping.

1. Автоматическое приготовление русских блюд (Rus taomlarini avtomatik tayyorlash)

tugmachasini tegishli marta bosing.

2.СТАРТ (START) tugmachasini bosing.

Natija: Tayyorlash yakunlangandan keyin:

1) To’rt marta tovushli signalni eshitasiz.

2)Tayyorlash jarayoni yakunlanganini eslatuvchi tovushli signal 3 marta beriladi. (bir daqiqada bir marta)

3)Keyin displey yana joriy vaqtni ko’rsatadi.

Faqat mikroto’lqinli pechlarga mos keluvchi idishlardan foydalaning.


Quyidagi jadvalda rus taomlarini avtomatik tayyorlashning 4 ta dasturi, miqdoriy xususiyatlari, kutish vaqti va tegishli tavsiyalar keltirilgan.











Suli bo’tqasi

260 g

"Gerkules" suli yormasi — 50 g, shakar — 5 g, tuz — 0,5 g,




qaynatilgan suv — 200 ml, sovuq sut — 100 ml




< Tavsiyalar >

Yormani chuqur tarelkaga soling, shakar va tuz qo’shing. Qaynagan suv, sut qo’shing va yaxshilab aralashtiring. Tayyorlashni boshlang.



200 g

Grechixa yormasi — 100 g, tuz — 2 g, qaynagan suv —




250 ml




< Tavsiyalar >

Grechixa yormasini chuqur kosaga seping va tuz qo’shing. Qaynagan suv qo’shing va yaxshilab aralashtiring. Qopqoq bilan mahkam yoping. Tayyorlashni boshlang.


Pishloqli tostlar

40-60 g

Tost uchun non — 2 bo’lak (26-28 g/bo’lak), pishloq —




2 bo’lak (20 g/bo’lak)

<Tavsiyalar >

Ikkita tostni gril panjarasiga qo’ying. Tayyorlashni boshlang.

Pech tovushli signal berganida tostlarni ag’daring va ularning ustiga pishloq bo’laklarini qo’ying. Tayyorlash jarayonini davom ettiring.

4 Tuxum-pashot

1 dona

Tuxum — 1 dona, suv — 150 ml, sirka 9 % — 10-15 ml




< Tavsiyalar >

Suvli va sirkali kosani mikroto’lqinli pechga joylashtiring. Suvni qaynash darajasigacha olib boring. Tovushli signaldan keyin suvli va sirkali kosani pechdan oling. Vilka bilan suvni markazida voronka paydo bo’ladigan tarzda aralashtirgan holda unga yorilgan tuxumni soling. Tayyorlash jarayonini davom ettiring.


GE731KR_BWT_DE68-04050N-04_UZ.indd 14

2014-07-17 ￿￿ 12:21:35

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Samsung GE731KR/BWT manual Nonushta

GE731KR/BWT specifications

The Samsung GE731KR/BWT is an innovative and stylish microwave oven designed to enhance the cooking experience with its advanced technology and user-friendly features. This model stands out in the kitchen appliance market, combining efficiency, versatility, and sleek design.

One of the key features of the GE731KR/BWT is its generous capacity, which is ideal for families or those who frequently entertain guests. With a spacious interior, it can easily accommodate larger dishes, making reheating and cooking a breeze. The microwave also boasts a powerful output, ensuring that food is cooked evenly and quickly, reducing overall cooking time.

The Samsung GE731KR/BWT is equipped with Smart Inverter technology, which provides precise power control. This feature allows users to adjust the cooking power level for different types of food, ensuring that delicate items like fish or vegetables are cooked gently, while tougher items can be cooked at higher power for a quicker result. This flexibility not only improves cooking results but also enhances the overall confidence in food preparation.

Another highlight of the GE731KR/BWT is its variety of pre-set cooking modes. These one-touch programs simplify the cooking process, allowing users to prepare a range of dishes with ease. Whether it's defrosting frozen foods or quickly reheating leftovers, the smart auto-cook options help to achieve perfect results every time.

The microwave also incorporates a ceramic enamel interior that is not only aesthetically pleasing but also practical. This coating resists scratches and is easy to clean, ensuring that the appliance remains in excellent condition over time. Moreover, the antibacterial properties of the ceramic interior help to maintain a hygienic cooking environment.

In terms of safety features, the Samsung GE731KR/BWT includes a child safety lock, providing peace of mind for households with young children. This functionality prevents accidental operation, making the microwave safe to use around kids.

Overall, the Samsung GE731KR/BWT microwave oven combines modern technology with practical features, fulfilling the needs of today’s cooking enthusiasts. Its user-friendly interface, efficient cooking capabilities, and stylish design make it a valuable addition to any kitchen, offering both convenience and performance.