Connecting to a computer
The compute does nol: recognlse
j our camcorder.
Cannot p_ay a video file properly on a PC.
•Disconnect the USB cable from the computer and camcorder, restart the computer, then connect it again correctly,
•A video codec is needed to play the file recorded on your camcorder, Install the seffware provided with your camcorder, _page 114
•Make sure you insert the connector in the correct direction, and connect the USB cable to the USB jack on your camcorder firmly,
•Disconnect the cable from the computer and camcorder, restart the computer, Cennect it again properly.
•Tb play back an HD video file, a computer with better specification Jsrequired.
Check a computer with recommended specification, _page 109
_ntelli-studio is no! performed.
l he image or sound on your
camcorder is not played on your
computer propeny.
The playDBCK scre@n Is DaUSeO or
-Exit the
Set PC Seffware to On in the Settings menu or install
-Video playback or sound may stop temporarily depending on your corrlputer. The video or sound copied to your computer is not affected,
-If your camcorder is connected to a computer that does not support
played correctly, The image and sound copied to your computer are not afflicted,
oCheck the system requirements to play a video.
oExit other all applicalions running on the current computer,
oIf a recorded video is played on your camcorder connected to a corrlputer, the image may not play smoothly, depending on the transfer speed, Please copy the file to your PC, and then play it back,