ed 1na- the play st
W_'s a "Playlist?"
You can create a p_a_ st on tne same storage media by gatnenng your favourite scenes from [ne recoraec videos. Aualng or aeletlng videos from a ulay ist does not affect the origlna video Images.
Example: You have recoraed a few scenes on tne storage media. You warn _o save _ne onglna recoralng, DU_you also warn [o crea_e a digest by pu_lng your favour te scenes _oge_ner. in _nls case, you can crea_e a playllSt Dy selecting your favourite scenes, leaving _ne orlg nal recording
as It IS.
| 15. JAN | 2010 |
| 30. JAN. | 2010 |
vlaeo ( F | vlaeo | c ip 2 | ]eo c p 3 | vlaeo cl_p 4 | laeo c p 5 | vlaeo ( p 6 | vlaeo c "_7 |
i i
10:00 | 10:30 | 11:30 | 14:00 | 20:00 |
| ,, One playlistCan be createdper each resolutionSet,IHD (High definition)"and !ISD(Standard |
| Definitiqn)C |
| ,, The maximumnumber of videoson the playlist:9999 videos. |
92 | * If originalvideosare deleted, sceneson the playlistcredted with these videos are also deleted. |