Samsung SCX-4100 specifications Software Problems Causes and Solutions, Printer is not working

Models: SCX-4100

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7.6 Software Problems – Causes and Solutions

7.6.1 The printer is not working (1)

• Description

While Power turned on, the printer is not working in the printing mode.





Check and Cause




1. Run Self-Test Mode: using the menu buttons print the

1. If the test print works that means there are no

test page. (Menu, Enter, Enter).

problems in the printer itself. If the test printing does



not work that means the printer is faulty and the



problem is not due to computer software or driver




2. Check that the PC and the printer are properly

2. Replace the printer cable. If the problem is not

connected and that the toner cartridge installed

solved even after the cable is replaced, check the



amount of the remaining toner. (refer to Toner



Cartridge Service 7-6, Page 7-25)

3. Printing is not working in the Windows.

3. Check that the connection between PC and printer



port are correcct. If you use windows, check that the



printer driver in the controller is set up correctly set



up, the correct port is selected and ‘Use On-line’ is



selected in the driver. If the printer driver is properly



set up try printing a test page from the driver proper-



ties. Check in which program printing is not working.



Try opening ‘Memo Pad’ and printing. If the printer



is not working in a certain program, adjust the setup



within that program.



Sometimes, the printout is normal within the



Windows basic programs, but it's not working in a



particular program. In this case, uninstall and re-



install the new driver. If the printer is not working in



the Windows basic programs and you are printing



using the parallel port check the port setting in



CMOS is on ECP and that the address is IRQ 7



and 378 (for parallel port 1). Try using USB instead



of parallel – or vice versa.

4. Check that the printer cable is directly connected to the

4. If you have other devices that need to share the



printer port try temporarily disconnecting these



devices 9and perhaps even uninstalling their dri-



vers) to ensure the printer works by itself. If you are



using a USB hub try connecting directly to the back



of the PC instead.




Service Manual


Samsung Electronics

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Samsung SCX-4100 specifications Software Problems Causes and Solutions, Printer is not working