Network Services
Line Identification
This menu option lets you view the following line identification settings.
CLIP (Calling Line Identification Presentation) / COLP (Connected Line Identification Presentation) If these network functions are active, the caller’s number is displayed during a call. If the phone number matches one stored in the phonebook, the caller’s name is also displayed.
CLIR (Calling Line Identification Restriction) / COLR (Connected Line Identification Restriction) If these network functions are active, your phone number is not displayed on the called person’s phone.
Closed User Group (CUG)
This network service allows incoming and outgoing calls to be restricted to a selected user group. You may be a member of up to 10 user groups.
For details on how to create, activate and use a closed user group, contact your service provider.
Example: A company lends SIM cards to its employees and wants to restrict outgoing calls to members of the same team.