Samsung SHR-2040P, SHR-2040N manual 2Live Screen Mode, Definition of Live Screen Icon

Models: SHR-2040N SHR-2040P

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2Live Screen Mode

Definition of Live Screen Icon

The Live screen icons display the current setup and function status of each screen.




















: Recording Icon








Each icon represents Normal / Event (Alarm + Motion) / Schedule Recording.








: Recording Video Size Icon















Each icon represents the recording size of Large / Normal / CIF.








- Large

: Full D1 - (NTSC) 720X480 (PAL) 720X576








- Normal : Half D1 - (NTSC)720X240 (PAL) 720X288









: CIF - (NTSC)352X240 (PAL)352X288









(Full D1 is supported only when “1 CH DVR support”)




: PTZ Icon










This icon appears when setting the PTZ device with the PTZ icon and changes to yellow color when operating the PTZ.

: Audio Icon

This icon represents the Audio On/Off status and changes to yellow color at the Audio On. It does not appear in the Video mode or Audio Disable.

: Sensor In Event Icon

This icon appears in the channel linked with the external sensor signal when inputting the signal at the Sensor On.

: Motion Event Icon

This icon appears in the Motion Event channel at the Motion Detection On.

: Zoom Icon

This icon appears at the Zoom On or Zoom In and disappears when canceling the Zoom On.

: Freeze Icon

This icon appears in the Freeze mode and disappears when canceling the Freeze.

: HDD Recording Disk Full Icon

This icon appears when the recording space is full in the HDD.

English 4-2

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Samsung SHR-2040P, SHR-2040N manual 2Live Screen Mode, Definition of Live Screen Icon