Configuration Extensions
372 SPU 780 01EMAN May 2002 125
TCP/IP Extension
Overview Before your controller can connect to a TCP/IP network, you must install and se t up
the TCP/IP configuration extension. This extension lets the controller recognize its
TCP/IP communication card. For more information about configuring TCP/IP
communications, see Configuring TCP/IP Communications, p.73.
Editing the
In the Active Extensions panel select the TCP/IP extension, then:
Note: If the TCP/IP extension does not appear in the Active Extensions panel, it is
not a valid extension for the current controller type.
Step Action
1 Select a card (1-6) from the Card drop-down list box.
Note: Different controllers support different numbers of communications cards:
Quantum 113 Rev. 2 and 213 Rev. 2 controllers support two cards.
Quantum 424 Rev. 2 supports up to six cards.
M1E Momentum controllers only support one card and the Head Number is
fixed at one.
2 Select a head number (1 through 16) from the Head Number drop-down list box.
3 Enter an IP address (1-255).(1-255).(1-255).(1-255) in the IP Address, Subnet
Mask, and Gateway IP fields. indicates an undefined address.
4 Select either Ethernet II or IEEE 802.3 from the Framing Type drop-down list
5 Select either Extension or BOOTP Server from the IP Address Selection drop-
down list box.
Extension - Upon Power Up, the PLC will read its TCP/IP addressing
information from this extension.
BOOTP - Upon Power Up, the PLC will require a BOOTP server to supply
TCP/IP addressing information.