Using the Data Watch Window
372 SPU 780 01EMAN May 2002 185
Editing Cell Data From the right-click menu:
Associating a
Picture with an
Address Value
From the right-click menu:
Step Action
1 Select Edit Data.
2 Enter a value in the Picture box. (This will update the value of the address
associated with the picture.)
3 Enter a value in the Monitor box. (This will update the value of the address being
4 Press OK to save changes.
Step Action
1 Select Edit Cell.
2 Select the Picture Enabled check box.
3 Enter an address into the Address box.
4 Select from the Stretch Picture drop-down list box how you would like the
pictures to be displayed. (Selecting None will trim the bottom and the right-side
of the picture to fit, selecting Fit Cell will make the entire picture fit the cell,
selecting Fit Width will trim the bottom of the picture, and selecting Fit Height
will trim the right-side of the picture.)