Using the Logic Editor
138 372 SPU 780 01EMAN May 2002
Working with NetworksOverview A ladder logic network contains a 7x11 celled grid. Network logic is solved from left-
to-right, top-to-bottom.
Networks In the logic editor:
Networks You can move or copy networks within or between segments and wi thin or b etween
projects by using the standard Cut, Copy, and Paste functions. Theses functions
can be selected from the Network Navigator right-click menu, or from the ProWORX
32 toolbar.
Networks From the logic editor right-click menu:
Working with
Network Rows
and Columns
In the logic editor:
Step Action
1 To insert a network into a blank segment, select Insert Network from the
Network Navigator panel right-click menu.
2 To insert a network after the current network, select Insert → Next Network
from the Network Editor right-click menu.
3 To insert a network previous to the current network, select Insert → Previous
Network from the Network Editor right-click menu.
Step Action
1 Select Delete → Network. The current network is deleted and the any remaining
networks are shifted up one network.
Step Action
1 To insert a row or column, select Insert → Row (or) Column from the logic editor
right-click menu. You can only insert a row or column if it does not make the
network invalid. Inserting a column shifts existing columns to the right. Inserting
a row shifts existing rows down.
2 To delete a row or column, select Delete → Row (or) Column from the logic
editor right-click menu. You can only delete a row or column if it does not make
the network invalid. Deleting a column shifts existing columns to the left. Deleting
a row shifts existing rows up.