SMC Networks - IVT BlueSoleil™ User Manual
Figure 3.9: Stop the PAN service on Computer A
Advanced Usage:
♦Computer A is now the center node. Other computers, for example, Computers C, D and E, can connect to Computer A with BlueSoleil™ following the same steps as those for Computer B.
♦Computer A, B, C, D and E can access each other using the Windows Network Places. This forms a Bluetooth
Note: Computer A can currently only support up to 7 connections.
Also it takes about 1 minute before an IP address can be obtained on the client side (Computer B) unless a DHCP server is running on the server side (Computer A).
3.3 Computer with PAN acting as a TCP/IP Gateway
The following sections outline how to enable Computer B to access the Internet through Computer A.
Computer A:
Notebook/ Laptop, PIII, 800MHz, 128M
A Bluetooth USB dongle
Windows 2000
IVT BlueSoleil™
Network Adapter connecting to the
Computer B:
Desktop, PIII, 600MHz, 128M
A Bluetooth USB dongle
Windows 2000
IVT BlueSoleil™