CAR 704 / 705 Aircraft Operator Requirements (CAR 706) | File 5015- |
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Company: |
| Date: |
AOC-20 Training Program
1. | Does the operator state a policy | N/A | OK | Finding | Not Checked |
| with respect to training for those |
| individuals required to action |
| functions of the organization? |
| Ref: CAR 706.12 |
2. | Does the operator’s manual | N/A | OK | Finding | Not Checked |
| contain a description of training |
| requirements with respect to other |
| duties carried out CAR 706 |
| requirements? (note: this statement is |
| broadly applied, training may be required |
| for technical dispatch, weight and |
| balance, etc.) |
| ∙ Has training covering |
| regulations and standards |
| pertinent to the activity or |
| function, been carried out? |
| Ref: CAR 706.12 / Std. 706.12 |
3. | Has training for critical or | N/A | OK | Finding | Not Checked |
| independent maintenance tasks |
| been provided to those individuals |
| who will exercise the privilege? |
| Ref: CAR 706.13)(b) |
4. | *Are training records for | N/A | OK | Finding | Not Checked |
| Elementary Work and Servicing |
| available? |
| Ref: |
5. | Is training conducted according to | N/A | OK | Finding | Not Checked |
| the training cycle specified in the |
| approved manual or is it driven by |
| the results of the evaluation |
| program? |
| Ref: Std. 726.12(5) / Std. 726.12(2)(c) |
6. | Does the manual specify a update | N/A | OK | Finding | Not Checked |
March 2001 | Page 86 |