User Management
SonicOS Enhanced 4.0 Administrator Guide
Verifying Multiple Administrators Support Configuration
User accounts with administrator and read-only administrators can be viewed on the Users >
Local Groups page.
Administrators can determine which configuration mode they are in by looking at either the top
right corner of the management interface or at the status bar of their browser.
To display the status bar in Firefox and Internet Explorer, click on the View menu and enable
status bar. By default, Internet Explorer 7.0 and Firefox 2.0 do not allow webpages to display
text in the status bar. To allow status bar messages in Internet Explorer, go to Tools > Internet
Options, select the Security tab, click on the Custom Level button, scroll to the bottom of the
list, and select Enable for Allow Status Bar Updates Via Script.
To allow status bar messages in Firefox, go to Tools > Options, select the Content tab, click
the Advanced button, and select the checkbox for Change Status Bar Text in the pop-up
window that displays.
When the administrator is in full configuration mode, no message is displayed in the top right
corner and the status bar displays Done.