Log > ViewPoint
SonicOS Enhanced 4.0 Administrator Guide
3. Click Activate or Renew in the Manage Service column in the Manage Services Online
table. Type in the Activation Key in the New License Key field and click Submit.
4. If you activated SonicWALL ViewPoint at mySonicWALL.com, the SonicWALL ViewPoint
activation is automatically enabled on your SonicWALL within 24-hours or you can click the
Synchronize button on the Security Services > Summary page to update your
Enabling ViewPoint Settings
Once you have installed the SonicWALL ViewPoint software, you can point the SonicWALL
security appliance to the server running ViewPoint.
1. Check the Enable ViewPoint Settings checkbox in the Syslog Servers section of the Log
> ViewPoint page.
2. Click the Add button. The Add Syslog Server window is displayed.
3. Enter the IP address or FQDN of the SonicWALL ViewPoint server in the Name or IP
Address field.
4. Enter the port number for the SonicWALL ViewPoint server traffic in the Port field or use
the default port number.
5. Click Apply.
Note The Override Syslog Settings with ViewPoint Settings control on the Log > Syslog page
is automatically checked when you enable ViewPoint from the Log > ViewPoint page. The
IP address or FQDN you entered in the Add Syslog Server window is also displayed on the
Log > Syslog page as well as in the Syslog Servers table on the Log > ViewPoint page.
Clicking the Edit icon displays the Add Syslog Server window for editing the ViewPoint server
information. Clicking the Delete (Trashcan) icon, deletes the ViewPoint syslog server entry.