Superimposing characters

4 Select a color.


The characters are input in the color

You can enter up to 5 lines of characters to

displayed next to “COLOR”. To

be superimposed on an image.

apply different color, do the


1 Display the Edit menu (page 31).


1 Press g/G/f/F to select

2 Press g/G/f/F to select (Text)

“COLOR” and press ENTER.

and then press ENTER.

The color selection window is

The keyboard is displayed.





Current line number



Character input box



















2 Press g/G/f/F to select the














































desired color and press ENTER.














Select color and font, and load/













save the messages.












Select a character.





You cannot apply multiple colors for each

3 Select a font.



line of characters.


The characters are input in the font

5 Press g/G/f/F to select the


displayed in the “FONT” button. To


desired character, then press


select a different font, do the


ENTER to input a character.





The selected characters are input in


1 Press g/G/f/F to select “FONT”.




the character input box. You can enter


2 Press ENTER repeatedly until the




up to 50 characters for each single



desired font is displayed:












To change lines










Press g/G/f/F to select # and










press ENTER.










You can enter the maximum of 5 lines.


















To input a capital letter










mode) OUT (MONITOR printing various Making

You cannot specify multiple fonts and colors for a sequence of characters input. All the lines of characters are input in the identical font and color. You can change font and color in the middle of input procedures; The changed font and color will be applied to all the input characters.

Press g/G/f/F to select “CAPS” and press ENTER. The capital letters keyboard is displayed. To return to the small letters input keyboard, select “CAPS” again.


35 GB