High-Speed and Low-Speed Search: Quickly and Accurately Determining Editing Points

Use the search function to easily locate the desired scene and to quickly and accurately determine edit points.

Search Operations via External Equipment

You can control the following operation modes of the unit either from an editing controller (such as the ES-7, PVE-500, etc.) connected to the REMOTE connector on the rear panel or from a SIRCS-system remote controller (such as the DSRM-10) connected to the CONTROL S connector on the front panel.

Shuttle: Use this mode to view color playback at speeds ranging from 0 to 32 times normal in both directions.


When controlling the unit from the DSRM-10 for a shuttle-mode search, the maximum possible search speed is 16 times normal in both directions. If you want a faster search than this, hold down the F FWD or REW button. This allows you to view a color playback at 32 times normal in forward or reverse direction.

Jog: Use this mode for low-speed search and frame- by-frame search.

Digital slow: Use this mode for noise-free color playback at speeds ranging from 0 to 1/5 normal in both directions.

Still: Use this mode to view a still picture of any field.

Jog audio: Use this mode to monitor the audio track at speeds ranging from 2 times to 1/30 normal in both directions.


When controlling this unit from external equipment, be sure to set the REMOTE/LOCAL switch on the unit’s front panel as follows:

External equipment



switch setting



Editing controller connected to


REMOTE connector




SIRCS-system remote controller


connected to CONTROL S connector


For a description of search operations via external equipment, see the equipment’s operating instructions.

Search Operations on This Unit

Once “PB” has been set for “F. FWD” and “REW” via AUTO EE SELECT under the OPERATIONAL FUNCTION menu item (factory default setting: “PB”), you can use the F FWD button and REW button for high-speed searching. When using these buttons for high-speed searches, be sure to set the REMOTE/LOCAL switch on the front panel to


To do a forward high-speed search

Press and hold the F FWD button. While you are holding down the button, you can view the color playback, which is advancing 32 times normal speed.

To do a reverse high-speed search

Press and hold the REW button. While you are holding down the button, you can view the color playback, which is going at 32 times normal speed in reverse direction.

Operation Editing for Functions Convenient 3 Chapter

Chapter 3 Convenient Functions for Editing Operation