Digital Betacam playback
Bandwidth | Y | 0 to 5.75 MHz +0.5 |
| 0 to 2.75 MHz +0.5 | |
S/N ratio |
| 62 dB or more |
K factor |
| 1 % or less |
Digital Audio (CH1 to CH4)
Frequency response | 20 Hz to 20 kHz +0.5 |
Dynamic range | 95 dB (at 1 kHz, emphasis on) |
Distortion | 0.05 % rms (emphasis on) |
Wow and flutter | Below measurable level |
Analog Audio (cue track)
Frequency response | 100 Hz to 12 kHz + 3 |
S/N ratio (at 3 % distortion level) | 45 dB (at 1 kHz) |
Distortion | 2 % or less |
Wow and flutter | 0.2 % rms or less |
MPEG IMX playback
Frequency response | Y | 0 to 5.75 MHz +0.5 |
| 0 to 2.75 MHz +0.5 | |
S/N ratio |
| 56 dB or more |
K factor (2T pulse) |
| 1 % or less |
Digital audio (CH1 to CH4)
Frequency response | 20 Hz to 20 kHz +0.5 | |
Dynamic range | 90 dB or more (1 kHz, emphasis on, 16 bits/48 kHz) | |
Distortion | 0.05 or less (1 kHz, emphasis on, reference level (+ 4 dBm)) | |
Betacam SX playback
Bandwidth | Y | 0 to 4.5 MHz +0.5 |
| 0 to 2.0 MHz +0.5 | |
S/N ratio |
| 56 dB or more |
K factor (2T pulse) |
| 1 % or less |
Digital Audio (CH1 to CH4)
Frequency response | 20 Hz to 20 kHz +0.5 |
Dynamic range | 90 dB or more (at 1kHz, emphasis on) |
Distortion | 0.05 % or less (at 1 kHz, emphasis on, reference level (+4 dBm)) |