Step 1: Unpacking

This box contains accessories, padding materials, and the server unit. Since the unit is large and heavy, make sure to work with another person, and follow the procedures in this document as described.

aRemove the accessories and the glass panels.A Remove the accessory pack.Do not discard; the boxes contain accessories and Operating Instructions.B Remove the glass panel cushioning.CRemove cushions.

Operating Instructions

Accessory pack

Glass panels


Handle the glass panels with care.bRemove the upper carton.A Remove four plastic tabs located at the bottom of the carton.

To pull out the joints 1 Grasp the middle

of the tab.

2 Pull out.

The upper box is detached from the pallet.
BLift the upper carton.


cRemove the lock screws.



A On the bottom of the unit (not the box), you


should find two lock screws.


B Unscrew counter-clockwise and remove them.


Store the lock screws in a safe place as you will need them when transporting the unit. These screws are necessary to prevent damage to the disc pickup mechanism during shipping and transport.
