
If multiple servers are found (8 servers max), a message appears asking you to select one as the destination.

Even if you change the server's friendly name on the server, server registration will be unaffected. The server's MAC address works as the unique ID.

To register the server manually1 On the File menu, click [Select Server].The pop-up window appears with the list of servers.



Server NameShows the friendly name(s).



StatusShows if the server is online or offline. If


you startup an offline server, its status


changes from “Offline” to “Starting” and


then “Online.”



Startup ServerStarts up the selected server (when the


server’s [Standby Mode] is set to






Erases the selected server from the list.


DELETE can be used as a short-cut.



DetailsShows the server's friendly name, MAC


address, IP address, Model name,


Remaining HDD capacity, etc. You can


also display the details window by double-


clicking the server listing. (If items such as


IP address are not displayed entirely on the


details window, pause on the item.)



Find Other ServerSearches for an unregistered server on the





2 Select a server as the destination and click [OK].When using multiple servers1 Select a server as the destination.

Up to the maximum of eight servers can be displayed on the pop-up window (scroll down).

2 Click [OK].Using “Music Transfer”Guide to the main windowThe software uses a music file database as shown in the following main window.

Operations cover the following: 1) server registration, 2) file registration, 3) file transfer, or 4) file management.



AMenu bar

Most of the options and commands are selectable from the menu bar. Click the following items on the menu bar. The displayed menus are referred to as “File” menu, “Edit” menu, “Tools” menu, etc., in this section.


The “File” menu displays the following commands.



File SyncAllows you to select a file to register. See


To search for a folder(page 52).



Folder Sync

Allows you to select a folder to register its


content. See “To search for a folder


(page 52).



Sync SettingsSets a folder as the regular source and


synchronizes the database with the folder*.


Also, it displays file search settings such as


file formats.



Select ServerDisplays a list of servers for selecting the





ExitQuits the software.



* You can also sync by clicking the [Sync Folder] button.




Select All

Click here to select all files for transfer


(files will be check-marked).



Clear All

Click here to cancel all selections.




Click here to erase files selected by mouse


operations from the database.











Show DetailsDisplays information about the selected


track. See “Additional right-click options”


(page 51).



Change ViewSwitches between the four tab sheets


([All], [Available], [Excluded], or


[Transferred]) when clicked.


See the on-screen messages for


explanations about the tab sheets and their

