| TwinViewletsyouseetwopicturesfromtwosources l?omanantenna, | |
| VCR,DVD,etc. onthescreenatthesametimeYouhearthesoundfioln. | |
| onlyoneofthesourcesatatime,butyoucanchoosewhichsource'ssoundis | |
| selectedYoucanalsochangetherelativesizeofeachofthepictures. | . |
Displaying Twin | Tune the TV to a working channel. |
Pictures | Press CII. |
A second picture appears.
Press {J or _).
Factors Affecting Twin View
If you use a cable box, you can view the cable box output m one window and view a different source
isuch as a VCR or DVD player Jin the second window by using. For details, see "Connecting Optional Eqmpment'" on page 3K
Digital TV channels, as welt as aW sources cmmected to the VIDEO 4. VIDEO 5. and VIDEO 6 inputs, display in the left window, but not the right.
Ifvou are viewing a 4:3 source and a t6:9 enhanced source (such as a DVD_ side by side. the 4:3 source appears larger.
Twin View does not display channels that are blocked by parental settings (see page 112).