Error code | Description | Display | Logged | |
| |
| Cannot detect the RVS/FWD | [L ] and [9 3] appear |
| |
93 | sensors during the | alternately on the message | Yes | |
| initialization MOVE. | display. |
| |
| |
| Failed cartridge pickup during | [L ] and [9 4] appear |
| |
98 | GET operation. (Cannot detect | alternately on the message | Yes | |
the CTRG. sensor at the end | display. | |||
| |||
| of the GET operation.) |
| |
| |
| Cannot clear the GAP during | [L ] and [9 9] appear |
| |
99 | the GAP clear operation when | alternately on the message | Yes | |
| retrying GET. | display. |
| |
| |
| Failed to detect RVS sensor | [L ] and [9 A] appear |
| |
9A | during elevator movement of | alternately on the message | Yes | |
| the GET operation. | display. |
| |
| |
| Failed to detect FWD sensor | [L ] and [9 B] appear |
| |
9B | during elevator movement of | alternately on the message | Yes | |
| the GET operation. | display. |
| |
| |
| Detected a GAP at the end of | [L ] and [9 C] appear |
| |
9C | the PUT operation. | alternately on the message | Yes | |
| display. |
| |
| |
| The pass sensor cannot | [L ] and [9 D] appear |
| |
9D | detect the cartridge at the end | alternately on the message | Yes | |
| of the PUT operation. | display. |
| |
| |
| Failed to detect RVS sensor | [L ] and [9 E] appear |
| |
9E | during elevator movement of | alternately on the message | Yes | |
| the PUT operation. | display. |
| |
| |
| Failed to detect FWD sensor | [L ] and [9 F] appear |
| |
9F | during elevator movement of | alternately on the message | Yes | |
| the PUT operation. | display. |
| |
| |
| Detected an empty slot. | [L ] and [A 0] appear |
| |
A0 |
| alternately on the message | Yes | |
| display. |
| |
| |
| Cannot perform the GET | [L ] and [A 1] appear |
| |
A1 | operation because the picker | alternately on the message | Yes | |
| contains a cartridge. | display. |
| |
| |
| Detected that all slots are | [L ] and [A 2] appear |
| |
A2 | occupied. | alternately on the message | Yes | |
| display. |
| |
| |
| Cannot perform the PUT | [L ] and [A 3] appear |
| |
A3 | operation because the picker | alternately on the message | Yes | |
| does not contain a cartridge. | display. |
| |
| |
| The picker made a GET | [L ] and [A 4] appear |
| |
A4 | operation request while in the | alternately on the message | Yes | |
| RVS position. | display. |
| |
| |
| Detected a sensor anomaly. | [L ] and [A 7] appear |
| |
A7 | (GAP, cartridge, or pass.) | alternately on the message | Yes | |
| display. |
| |
| |
| Detected a drive hardware | [L ] and [A 8] appear |
| |
A8 | error. | alternately on the message | Yes | |
| display. |
| |
| |
| Detected a drive medium | [L ] and [A 9] appear |
| |
A9 | error. | alternately on the message | Yes | |
| display. |
| |
| |
| Drive did not enter MOUNT | [L ] and [A A] appear |
| |
AA | state after a lapse of three | alternately on the message | Yes | |
seconds during the PUT | display. | |||
| |||
| operation. |
| |
Appendix 50