
3. SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM — MAIN SECTION (1/3) — • Refer to page 15 for Waveforms.

• Difference of Schematic Diagram (US Model)

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All capacitors are in µF unless otherwise noted. pF: µµF 50 WV or less are not indicated except for electrolytics and tantalums.

All resistors are in Ω and 1/4 W or less unless otherwise specified.

% : indicates tolerance.



The components identi-

Les composants identifiés par

fied by mark 0or dotted

une marque 0sont critiques

line with mark 0are criti-

pour la sécurité.

cal for safety.

Ne les remplacer que par une

Replace only with part

piéce portant le numéro

number specified.




A : B+ Line.

Power voltage is dc 4.5 V and fed with regulated dc power supply from external power voltage jack.

Voltage and waveforms are dc with respect to ground under no-signal conditions.

no mark : PB

( ) : REC

: Impossible to measure

Voltages are taken with a VOM (Input impedance 10 MΩ). Voltage variations may be noted due to normal produc- tion tolerances.

Waveforms are taken with a oscilloscope.

Voltage variations may be noted due to normal produc- tion tolerances.

Circled numbers refer to waveforms.

Signal path.

J : PB (digital)

c : REC (digital)

– 12 –

– 13 –

– 14 –

Page 47
Image 47
Sony MZ-R37 specifications