Copyright protection technology to import and manage contents of music distribution services or
CDs By using software compliant with OpenMG, audio contents can be encrypted before storage
on a hard disk drive so that you can enjoy playback of the audio files on that computer OpenMG
also prevents unauthorized distribution of the contents via the Internet or other networks
SDMI which stands for Secure Digital Music Initiative, is a forum that consists of over 130
companies in the fields of recorded audio content, computers, and consumer electronics,
dedicated to developing an integrated method of copyright protection technology that can be
used worldwide
SDMI is working to create a framework for preventing improper usage of audio files and to
promote legal music distribution services The copyright protection technology OpenMG is based
upon the SDMI standard
Windows Media Technology
A technology including a contents management system called Windows Media Rights Manager,
which can encrypt contents and distribute them with their conditions for usage, distribution, etc
Audio files supporting Windows Media Technologies (WMT) downloaded via EMD can be
imported into and managed by OpenMG Jukebox