64 Preparing KIRK Handset for Use
14117800, Ed.2
6.2 KIRK Handset Description

The KIRK Handset is a lightweight, ergonomically designed wireless unit that includes and LDC

display and keyboard.

6.2.1 KIRK Handset Types and Catalog Numbers

Tabl e 9 Variants of KIRK Handsets

6.2.2 KIRK Charger Types and Catalog Numbers

Tabl e 10 Variants of KIRK Chargers

Variants of KIRK Handsets and KIRK Chargers

Handset sets from one of the following categories
(including batteries):
KIRK 3040 Handset (Europe)
KIRK 4020 Handset (Europe)
KIRK 4040 Handset (Europe)
KIRK 4080 Handset (Europe)
KIRK 3040 Handset (North America)

Variants of KIRK Chargers

KIRK KIRK Single Charger (For KIRK 3040)
(Part no. 02332419)
KIRK Single Charger (For KIRK 4020 and KIRK 4040)
(Part no.84642450)
KIRK Single Charger (For KIRK 4080)
(Part no. 84642458)
KIRK Multicharger (For KIRK 4020 and KIRK 4040)
Part no. 02319580)
KIRK Multicharger (For KIRK 4020 and KIRK 4040)(with UK plug)
Part no. 02319581)