Actual printing begins in line 1120. Using the preassigned commands,
the program prints samples of its different type styles, including a line
showing all styles in italics, followed by samples of the print pitches, then
some double and quadruple-sized printing.
Next comes the central attraction of the program: a line of text printed
fourteen times in expanding and contracting loops to give a barrel effect.
The work is done by four printer commands: a command setting the right
margin (line 1460); a centering command (line 1480); a command to vary
the line spacing (lines 1500 and 1550); and a command to micro-adjust the
space between characters (lines 1510 and 1560).
Next the program returns to normal spacing and gives a demonstration
I of the printer’s word-processing abilities: outlined printing, bold printing,
t underlining, subscripts, etc.
i The row of telephone symbols in the next printed line is created by
downloading two new character patterns, which are printed in place of the
character < (character 60). Details can be found in Appendix C.
The final part of the program uses dot graphics to print an “S&S” logo.
The dot pattern of the logo was originally laid out on graph paper, then
converted to the data in lines 3240 to 3630 with the help of a calculator.
Each number represents eight vertical dots. (See “Graphics commands” in
Appendix B for details.)
. . The pattern is printed in four rows, each eight dots high and 100 dots
wide. Lines 1980 to 2050 read the dot data into a string array variable named
. . LOGO$. Line 2060 sets the line spacing to 8/60 inch so that the rows will
connect vertically. The loop in lines 2070 to 2120 does the printing in four
*. passes of the print head.
This program can also be run in IBM mode (DIP switch l-6 OFF) if
c you change a few of the lines as shown below to allow for differences in
some of the commands. You will get a cylinder instead of a barrel effect,
becuase the IBM mode does not have any command to micro-adjust the
character spacing.
*r Modifications for IBM mode:
1090 PI$=CHR$(.18) 'Pica pitch
1190 LPRINT CHR$(28);"4"; 'Select italics
h- 1220 LPRINT CHR$(28);"5" 'Cancel italics
1260 ' LPRINT H$;E$;"g";" Semi-condensed pitch (15 CPI),";
1300 ' LPRINT H$;E$;"M";' Condensed elite pitch (20 CPI),";
c 1400 ' LPRINT H$;CHR$(26);'*E";CHR$(2);"Triple width,";
1460 LPRINT CHR$(28);"Q";CHR$(47) 'Set right margin
1500 LPRINT E$;"A";CHR$(I);E$;"Z": 'Set line spacing
L 1510 ' LPRINT ES;" ";CHR$(I); 'Increase character space
1550 LPRINT E$;"A";CHR$(I);E$;"Z"; 'Set line spacing
1560 ' LPRINT ES;” ";CHR$(I); 'Increase character space
L 43