Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal
Both CBS> 8 08
Moves the print position one column to the left. Ignored if the print
position is at the left margin. This command can be used to overstrike
or combine characters.
Left justify
Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal
<ESC> “a” “0” 27 91 48 1B 61 30
Both <ESC> “a” co> 27 97 0 1B 61 00
Aligns subsequent text with the left margin, leaving the right margin
Center text
Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal
<ESC> “a” I‘ 1” 21 97 49 1B 61 31
Both <ESC> “a” Cl> 27 97 1 1B 61 01
Centers subsequent text between the left and right margins.
Right justify
Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal
<ESC> “a” “2” 27 97 50 1B 61 32
Both <ESC> “a” c2> 27 97 2 1B 61 02
Aligns subsequent text with the right margin, leaving the left margin
Full justify . . .
Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal -
cESC> “a” “3” 27 97 51 1B 61 33
<ESC> “a” <3> 27 97 3 1B 61 03
Aligns subsequent text between the left and right margins.