Chapter 1 Section 1.5
Introducing the VSAM eWay Related Documents
VSAM eWay Adapter User’s Guide 10 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Composite Application Platform Suite Installer. To access the full Javadoc, extract the
Javadoc to an easily accessible folder, and double-click the index.html file.
1.4.1 Scope
This user’s guide provides a description of the VSAM eWay Adapter. It includes
directions for installing the eWay, configuring the eWay properties, and implementing
the eWay’s sample Projects. This document is also intended as a reference guide, listing
available properties, functions, and considerations. For a reference of available VSAM
eWay Java methods, see the associated Javadoc.
1.4.2 Intended Audience
This guide is intended for experienced computer users who have the responsibility of
helping to set up and maintain a fully functioning Java Composite Application
Platform Suite system. This person must also understand any operating systems on
which the Java Composite Application Platform Suite will be installed (Windows and
UNIX), and must be thoroughly familiar with Windows-style GUI operations.
1.4.3 Text Conventions
The following conventions are observed throughout this document.
1.5 Related Documents
The following Sun documents provide additional information about the Sun Java
Composite Application Platform Suite product:
Sun SeeBeyond eGate Integrator User’s Guide
Sun Java Composite Application Platform Suite Installation Guide
Table 1 Text Conventions
Text Convention Used For Examples
Bold Names of buttons, files, icons,
parameters, variables, methods,
menus, and objects
Click OK.
On the File menu, click Exit.
Select the eGate.sar file.
Monospaced Command line arguments, code
samples; variables are shown in
bold italic
java -jar filename.jar
Blue bold Hypertext links within
See Text Conventions on page10
Blue underlined Hypertext links for Web
addresses (URLs) or email