VSAM eWay Adapter User’s Guide 5Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Delete Operations 51
Using Views 52
Using Prepared Statements 52
Chapter 6
Using VSAM Operations 53
VSAM eWay Database Operations (BPEL) 53
Activity Input and Output 53
VSAM eWay Database Operations (JCD) 55
The Table 55
The Query (Select) Operation 56
The Insert Operation 57
The Update Operation 58
The Delete Operation 58
Prepared Statement 59
Batch Operations 59
Chapter 7
Implementing the VSAM eWay Sample Projects 61
About the VSAM eWay Sample Projects 61
Operations Used in the VSAM Sample Projects 62
Assigning Operations in JCD 63
Assigning Operations in BPEL 63
About the eInsight Engine and eGate Components 63
Running the Sample Projects 64
Running the SQL Script 64
Importing a Sample Project 65
Building and Deploying the prjVSAM_BPEL Sample Project 65
Creating a Project 66
Creating the OTDs 66
Creating the Business Process 67
Creating the Business Process Flow 67
Configuring the bpInsert Modeling Elements 68
Configuring the bpUpdate Modeling Elements 72
Configuring the bpDelete Modeling Elements 74
Configuring the bpTableSelect Modeling Elements 76
Configuring the bpPsSelect Modeling Elements 79
Creating the Connectivity Map 83
Populating the Connectivity Map 83
Binding the eWay Components 84
Creating an Environment 85
Configuring the eWays 86
Configuring the eWay Properties 87
Configuring the Environment Explorer Properties 88