Chapter 2 Section 2.2
Installing the VSAM eWay ICAN 5.0 Project Migration Procedures
VSAM eWay Adapter User’s Guide 15 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Steps to extract the Sample Projects include:
1Click the Documentation tab of the Sun Java Composite Application Platform Suite
Installer, then click the Add-ons tab.
2Click the VSAM eWay Adapter link. Documentation for the VSAM eWay appears
in the right pane.
3Click the icon next to Sample Projects and extract the ZIP file. Note that the file contains two additional ZIP files for each sample
Refer to “Importing a Sample Project” on page 65 for instructions on importing the
sample Project into your repository via the Enterprise Designer.
2.2 ICAN 5.0 Project Migration Procedures
This section describes how to transfer your current ICAN 5.0.x Projects to the Sun Java
Composite Application Platform Suite 5.1.3. To migrate your ICAN 5.0.x Projects to the
Sun Java Composite Application Platform Suite 5.1.3, do the following:
Export the Project
1Before you export your Projects, save your current ICAN 5.0.x Projects to your
2From the Project Explorer, right-click your Project and select Export from the
shortcut menu. The Export Manager appears.
3Select the Project that you want to export in the left pane of the Export Manager and
move it to the Selected Projects field by clicking the Add to Select Items (arrow)
button, or click All to include all of your Projects.
4In the same manner, select the Environment that you want to export in the l eft pane
of the Export Manager and move it to the Selected Environments field by clicking
the Add to Select Items (arrow) button, or click All to include all of your
5Browse to select a destination for your Project ZIP file and enter a name for your
Project in the ZIP file field.
6Click Export to create the Project ZIP file in the selected destination.
Install Java CAPS 5.1.3
1Install Java CAPS 5.1.3, including all eWays, libraries, and other components used
by your ICAN 5.0 Projects.
2Start the Java CAPS 5.1.3 Enterprise Designer.
Import the Project
1From the Java CAPS 5.1.3 Enterprise Designer’s Project Explorer tree, right-click the
Repository and select Import Project from the shortcut menu. The Import Manager